Are Long Distance Relationships Worth It? Here’s 5 Reasons Why

Long distance couple in romantic bedroom

If your in a long distance relationship you might be asking yourself: are long distance relationships worth it? Long distance relationships can be daunting, I’m not going to lie. The idea of having to maintain a relationship with someone who is miles away can seem almost impossible. Faced with the reality of not seeing your loved one often is difficult. But, if you look past the difficulties and embrace the changes you’ll find there are lots of benefits to a long distance relationship.

So, if you’re asking yourself: are long distance relationships worth it? Well, I say yes they are. From taking advantage of alone time to living an adventure, here are my top five reasons why long distance relationships are worth it.

1. You Get Time for Yourself in Long Distance Relationships

When living apart you get more time for yourself and your interests. This alone time is invaluable in helping you appreciate each other when you do spend time together, as well as giving you an opportunity to explore what makes you unique and encourage personal growth. It’s always important not to forget yourself or neglect your own needs when you’re in a relationship—long distance or not!

During my long distance relationship I began to really appreciate my time alone. Self care became a big part of my daily routine with regular meditation sessions, healthy eating, and long walks in nature. Upping my skincare game and yoga session also helped boost my confidence levels and gave me an excuse to go on yoga breaks with friends! Not only that; enjoying quality family time has been a real highlight too.

Plus let’s not forget decorating and styling your home however you please! While missing my significant other was very hard, I also really enjoyed the time I had to myself.

2. You Improve Your Communication Skills

It can be hard to stay connected with your partner when they’re so far away and this often forces couples in long-distance relationships to get creative with communication. From Skype dates and phone calls to using apps like WhatsApp and FaceTime, couples must rely on good communication skills if their relationship is going to last. Even though keeping up with each other may require more effort than usual, it also helps strengthen your bond by providing new ways for couples to express themselves and build trust through honest conversation.

If you’re asking: are long distance relationships worth it? – distance can often be a catalyst in developing an authentic, intimate connection. I found I opened up more in a long distance relationship too, because for the most part, talking is the only communication method available. We developed our own communication style which became very special.

3. With Long Distance Relationships Every Visit Is Special

One of the most rewarding aspects of being in a long-distance relationship is being able to see each other after months apart. Having something special like this waiting at the end of every separation makes all those moments apart worthwhile.

It allows couples to truly appreciate each others company and feel even closer once they’ve reunited again. Something that is unique and only those in long-distance relationships understand!

A friend, who was a bit of an eternal single and enjoyed the occasional date, thought my long distance relationship was really something special. And it made me pause to think – she’s right! All this longing for each other meant that we cherished every moment when we were able to spend together all the more. Such a unique situation can create some truly wonderful moments!.

4. Each Visit Is An Adventure in Long Distance Relationships

Whether it’s exploring a new city or simply spending quality time together at home, every visit provides couples with an opportunity for adventure that wouldn’t otherwise be possible if they lived close by one another. Such adventures also give couples something fun and exciting that they can look forward too during time apart. Which helps make all those months apart easier to bear!

I felt I grew in ways that I might not have otherwise too. I became far more independent and self reliant because of my long distance relationship. It felt empowering to venture off alone and opened a world of possibilities!

I got to experience New York City like a local. I soaked up American culture and fell in love the country. We rendezvoused on Caribbean islands together. And staycations in my home town are filled with fond memories and exciting activities that I wouldn’t have done otherwise.

5. You Learn To Appreciate What You Have

Finally, being in a long-distance relationship encourages couples to think differently about their love life because absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Couples learn how much they value their partner’s presence in their life. You understand how important communication is for keeping any relationship alive. You learn how valuable small acts of kindness toward one another really are. These are all things that we sometimes take for granted, when living close by our partners day-to-day lives becomes “the norm”.

You take these newly developed skills into your relationship post long distance and really appreciate what you have.


Long distance relationships may have their fair share of struggles but there are many rewards too. Improved communication skills, deeper appreciation between partners, exciting visits together and treasured alone time. All these things help strengthen any partnership regardless of whether you live next door or are oceans apart.

If you’re your in a long distance relationship and asking yourself: Are long distance relationships worth it? Then I hope the benefits I’ve shared from my own experience help you make your own mind up. Although spending moments together with your loved one is something you crave, there is something special about being able to appreciate the time you have alone. Embrace the challenge and use these five long distance relationship benefits as motivation!

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