Top 10 Tips to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

A long distance relationship can be challenging, but with the right tips and strategies, it can also be incredibly rewarding. With the extra miles, time zones, and communication challenges it’s no secrete that long distance relationships can be a bit of an emotional roller-coaster! Thankfully, there are ways to make the journey easier and with a little extra effort and dedication from both partners it can be an incredibly rewarding journey.

From my own experience, here are my top 10 tips to make a long distance relationship work. From communication techniques to practical considerations like setting expectations and making the most of your visits. These tips will help you find ways to make the most of your time apart and keep your relationship strong.

1. Maintain open communication and stay connected in your long distance relationship

To make a long distance relationship work, you need to make sure that you maintain open communication and stay connected. Set time aside everyday to talk and communicate openly with each other. It’s important to be open and honest with each other about how you’re feeling and what you’re doing.

Developing a sense of trust is also essential for your relationship to work. You should both be comfortable talking about your feelings and sharing your thoughts and experiences. Remember, you don’t have touch as an option, so developing a strong spoken communication style is essential. Additionally, it is important to be understanding and supportive of one another. Making time for each other, even if it is just for a few minutes a day, can also help to strengthen the bond. With open communication, understanding, and trust, it is possible to make a long distance relationship work.

2. It’s important to maintain your pattern of communication in long distance love

It’s essential to be on the same page in a long distance relationship. Long-distance love demands a bit more effort in the communication department so establishing and sticking to a routine is very important. For us, it was crucial. Because we always said good-morning and good-night and checked in throughout the day, when one of us was too busy uphold our usual pattern, it would cause undue concern. You can’t physically check in with someone in a long distance relationship so make sure you’re always thinking of your significant other from afar; it’ll go a long way towards keeping your relationship strong and helping you both feel secure even from a distance.

3. Take advantage of technology to support your long distance relationship

On that note, take advantage of the plethora of free messaging apps available to avoid international phone charges. Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger and Line App to name a few. Line is a favorite because of the amount of cute stickers available which we found added an additional level of expression. You can also use messaging apps to make phone and video calls.

4. It’s important to keep one another updated on each others schedules in a long distance relationship

It’s so important to keep the connection strong in long distance relationships and make sure you both feel included in each other’s lives, right? Keeping each other up to date on your daily schedules is a great way to do that. Make sure you both stay on top of your different time zones, and let each other know what your commitments look like: whether it’s work, hitting the gym or chilling out. Don’t forget to stay in the loop and share those special moments like hanging out with friends and family, taking day trips or planning something fun for the weekend. With long distance love sharing schedules is about helping one another feel involved in each others lives.

5. Have fun planning regular trips together

Ah, the anticipation of a visit! It’s the best part of any long-distance relationship – it gives you something to look forward to. We used to get so excited planning our rendezvous. Will it be a staycation at my place or his? A meetup somewhere in between? The world is your oyster!

Then come all those little moments that we take for granted in regular relationships — kissing, cuddling on the couch, hand-holding as you walk around town. You want to make sure to experience all that and more by getting involved in some fun activities while also having plenty of time just to relax and reconnect with one another after months apart.

6. Make a list of long distance date ideas and have fun together despite the distance

You can have a lot of fun with long distance date ideas. From catching up while chatting to virtually cooking together, going on walks and playing online games. There are plenty of engaging activities that can be done even when you’re miles apart. Just schedule time out and spend some quality time together on long distance dates.

7. Make an extra effort to show your love in a long distance relationship

We would regularly send special care packages to each other. Boxes filled with items that we loved, like our favorite chocolates, or even small items that we had mentioned needing in conversation.

Gifts that create meaningful memories or have sentimental value are also an excellent choice for expressing your love in a long distance relationship. They can be a great way to keep the connection alive even when you’re apart or to celebrate a special occasion. Not only do these gifts show thought and consideration, but they also make excellent reminders of each other that will last a lifetime.

8. Take an interest in each others hobbies from a distance

In a long distance relationship, finding common interests that you can share and do together is an important way to stay connected and strengthen your bond. Doing similar activities together gives both of you an opportunity to be interested in each other’s hobbies and interests. This helps to foster a deeper connection between the two of you.

Watch the same television shows or movies, listen to music your significant other loves, read books they recommend, or even get together and play video games that both of you enjoy. These everyday activities can bring you closer together and help build a strong bond between you.

9. Live in the present and make time for fun while your apart

Despite the challenges that come with being in a long distance relationship, it is important to remember to make time to enjoy your time apart. Making the most of your time, apart, whether alone or with friends and family, can help you to stay happy and healthy by leading a fulfilling life. Taking part in activities you enjoy is a great way to balance your life in a long distance relationship. This can help you look forward to those precious moments when you are reunited with your partner again without feeling like you are only living for those moments together.

10. Be honest when setting end goals together

It’s really important to be upfront and honest when setting end goals together in a long distance relationship. That way, both partners can have a clear understanding of each others needs and expectations. Long distance relationships can not carry on indefinitely so it’s important to be on the same page and aware of what your expectations are.

In order to make a long distance relationship work, both partners need to be extremely flexible and understanding of each other’s needs. Closing the gap in a long distance relationship is a massive commitment and will involve one of you traveling a very long distance with drastic lifestyle changes. However, once you have an understanding of each other’s expectations, then you can start setting goals together.


With the right attitude and a strong commitment, long distance relationships can be incredibly successful but do require additional work and commitment from both parties involved. Maintain strong communication, have fun and enjoy life together and apart, be open and honest about your expectations. With the right approach and commitment, it is possible to make long distance relationships work.

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